Home Releases 2019, №2 (34)

The Geography of the Public Services Shere in Russia: New Development Factors at the Turn of the XX-XXI Centuries on the Example of the Education System

Sciences about Earth , UDC: 910.3:911.3:913 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2019.34.2.5


  • Shulgina Olga Vladimirovna Doctor of History, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article considers the factors of development of the territorial organization of the public services sphere of modern Russia. The historical-geographical understanding of the transformation of spatial service systems in the context of socio-economic transformations in the country is presented. Particular attention is paid to the geography of education sphere in Russia as a dynamically developing industry, affecting the interests of the majority of the population.

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Shulgina, O. V. (2019). The Geography of the Public Services Shere in Russia: New Development Factors at the Turn of the XX-XXI Centuries on the Example of the Education System Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №2 (34), 49-64. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2019.34.2.5
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