- Aniskina Maria Valerievna Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
- Vyrodov Ivan Vladimirovich
- Khovrin Arkady Nikolaevich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Malus sylvestris plant. It was revealed that rubber tire waste, wood ash and roadside dust are among the priority pollutants. It is shown that with the combined influence of factors, there is a synergistic effect. Further growth of shoots slows down, photosynthetic organs fall off or spotting is observed, in some cases — twisting. Accumulation
of heavy metal — cadmium by plant shoots was revealed. A decrease in the proportion of cadmium was noted depending on the distance from the highway.
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Aniskina, M. V., Vyrodov, I. V. & Khovrin, A. N. (2023). Malus sylvestris response to exposure to anthropogenic pollutants Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (49), 27.
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