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Biological Sciences , UDC: 050/070:575:576:577:616-006 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2024.55.3.02


  • Volkova Irina Nikolaevna


Open access is widespread in the natural sciences and engineering. The purpose of our study is to analyze foreign open access biological journals in the following five areas: genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, cancer research (cancer biology) and biochemistry, and further compile a list of recommended journals in which biologists and related researchers could publish their scientific results. We selected journals using platforms such as the Directory of Open Access Journals, Dimensions, Lens.org and Scimagojr. Journals not related to the topics specified above excluded from the primary sample. Then the remaining journals has analyzed according to several parameters: indexing in international databases (Web of Science and Scopus), quartile (SJR), open access models, cost per article processing and citation indicators (H-index, SJR, SNIP and CiteScore). The journals studied checked for presence on blacklists. The study examined 338 open access journals. The results showed that the dominant open access models are “Gold” and “Gold/ Green” (79 % of journals). Based on the data obtained, a list of 12 recommended journals was determined that offer fully open access (“Diamond”, “Gold” and “Green” access), are in the 1st and/or 2nd quartiles (SJR) and are indexed in international databases Web of Science and Scopus. We offer this list to scientists who can use it to find information and publish their research results in the open information space.

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Volkova, I. N. (2924). REVIEW OF FOREIGN OPEN ACCESS BIOLOGICAL JOURNALS: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PUBLICATION PRICE AND JOURNAL RATING INDICATORS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55), 28. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2024.55.3.02
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