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Social Prerequisites for Physical Culture Formation , UDC: 791 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9091-2024-456-148-168


  • Yudina Elena Yuryevna Candidate of Historical Sciences


This article is devoted to reflecting in the pre-revolutionary press the process of forming women’s sports fashion in Russia. Classes in various sports activities forced sports fans to change their attitude towards clothes and shoes. For the sake of correct and comfortable movement, I had to adapt individual elements of a traditional dress, or even the whole suit, to the needs of the training body. Change could be perceived by society as a violation of socio-ethical norms. Regular publications in print on the topic of fashion and sports not only reflected real socio-cultural trends, but became an instrument for shaping progressive public opinion. The phenomenon of “germination” of sports hobbies in the female world is quite obvious on the pages of fashion magazines that dictated new norms, changed the rules of etiquette, views on the family, the rights and obligations of women. The costume, its elements, were the conductors of new ideas that society was waiting for, but also resisted them. Savings on outfits were in conflict with several fundamental issues of everyday life: the ethics of social behavior, the economy of the family, the turnover of trade offers. The emergence and popularization of dress elements for sports activities influenced not only male or female costumes, fashionable habits, in fact, gradually changed their attitude to physicality and the entire social structure, drawing the attention of contemporaries to the problems of beauty and health are by no means mythological. The relevance of the study is due to the above facts and the identification of techniques for popularizing sportswear in the most active period of media development in the Russian Empire. Immersion in the fashion and sports aspects of the media course will be useful both for students of journalism, advertising and public relations, and for everyone interested in sports fashion. The topic definitely deserves the inclusion of courses on the history of sports, the history of advertising and the technology of forming public opinion in the educational material.

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Yudina, E. Y. (2024). WOMEN’S COSTUME IN THE 19th – EARLY 20th CENTURY: SPORTS VARIATION OF FASHION MAGAZINES AND IN LIFE AS A BON TON Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 148. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9091-2024-456-148-168
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