- Kachenkova Ekaterina Sergeevna Associate Professor, Ph.D
- Krivitskaya Elena Ivanovna Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences
This article describes the problem of raising the retirement age and, in this regard, options for increasing the level of physical and mental performance. The results of testing two variants of wellness training programs aimed at improving physical performance, functional indicators and quality of life of men 55–60 years old, who are an age
group at risk for the formation of cardiovascular diseases, are also presented. The article defines the parameters of the load and the variability of performing physical exercises on modern simulators in combination with walking varieties.
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Kachenkova, E. S. & Krivitskaya, E. I. (2021). Application of modern health facilities of physical culture to improve the quality of life of men of mature age Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №4 (44), 69.
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