- Zotov Dmitry Dmitrievich
The article aims to analyze the importance of the role of the country study as a field of knowledge of synthetic nature. The theme is relevant due to the fact that today
the position of the country study in the system of geographical sciences is in crisis, despite the fact that region and country studies are still in demand. Due to this the purpose of this study is to draw attention to the necessity of solving this problem for the further development of geography, to reveal the importance of the country study as a synthetic field of knowledge, and to consider it in terms of complexity of geography. From this point of view the current state of the country study is unfavorable since it reveals the essence of geography. Despite the reduction of the role of the country study its importance for preserving the complex nature of geography is still significant. According to the author revival of the country study is a necessary condition for the further development of science since the country study being the example of the integration of different scientific fields contributes to a better studying of the global development of the world’s territories.
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Zotov, D. D. (2024). COUNTRY STUDY AS AN EXAMPLE OF THE COMPLEXITY OF GEOGRAPHY AND INTEGRATION OF DIFFERENT SCIENTIFIC FIELDS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 1 (53), 76.
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