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Natural Science Foundations of Physical Education and Sports Training , UDC: 796/799 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2024.55.3.06


  • Tkacheva Elena Sergeevna Candidate of Biological Sciences


Freshmen students can develop their general functional capabilities through systematic physical exertion of sport character. The influence of athletics, which is very popular among young people, on the main functional parameters of recently started higher education for adolescents is of interest. The aim of the study: to evaluate the impact of athletics training on the body of freshmen. Twenty-nine healthy young men studying in the first year of higher education were examined. Of them, they made up the group of athletics (15 individuals). These young men, in addition to the usual academic physical education classes, underwent training in athletics 3 times during the week. The control group (14 individuals) maintained low general physical activity in the form of household activity and irregular attendance of academic physical education classes at the university. Functional capabilities of the observed subjects were determined using a number of traditional physiologic tests. Observation in both groups was carried out for 5 months. All the data found were subjected to Student’s t-test (t). Regular athletics activities increased the general functional capabilities of the organism of students studying in the first year, speed and coordination capabilities, stimulating the overall endurance of young people. Athletics on a regular basis provides functionally very beneficial changes in the body of first-year students, contributing to its overall strengthening.

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Tkacheva, E. S. (2924). FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES OF THE BODY OF FRESHMEN WHO STARTED CLASSES IN THE ATHLETICS SECTION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (55), 74. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2024.55.3.06
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