Submitted in the Journal of Moscow City University, series “Natural Sciences”
- The length of an article should be from 20 000 to 40 000 characters with spaces, including figures, tables and graphs, and excluding the list of references;
- The margins: the right, left, top and bottom margins should be 2,5 cm.
- The font should be 14 pt Times New Roman.
- The spacing should be 1,5 cm.
- The indent should be 1,25 cm set automatically.
- Citations in the text must be interconnected with the reference list by putting in the text the references in square brackets stating the corresponding information, for example: [Last name of author(s), year of publishing, p.17], [Last name of author(s), year of publishing, p.17-25] (please note that SURNAME of the author (authors) is indicated, without initials).
- Figures, diagrams, tables and graphs must be created in graphic editors supporting vector and bitmap images and numbered in the article depending on the order of their appearance in the text. Since the journal is printed in one color, the use of color figures and graphs is not recommended. All images presented in the article must be referred to in the text. Inscriptions and captions to the illustrative material are made with 12 pins The images in jpeg must be submitted separately. The image resolution must be not less than 300 dpi.
- in the upper-left corner, the classification indexes of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC –;
- Full name of the authors (left alignment, font size 14, bold, italics);
- The title of the article in Russian (center alignment, font 14 pt, uppercase letters, semi-bold).
- The list of non-text bibliographic references, entitled Reference list (font size 14, page width alignment). The list is formatting according to the Government Standard R 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference” and is built in the order of citation of references in the text of the article;
- The reference list in English to the article must be titled References according to the APA style (7th edition) ( The References section must contain all the references from the reference list in Russian regardless whether it actually contains any international literature. Important: In the English references section every Russian reference must be provided with the following information: last names of authors transliterated into the Latin alphabet according to the English metadata of the article; official title of the journal registered in the ISSN ( in English (if available). Every Russian reference (which does not have a name in English) must be provided with transliterated title of the source (see template). The website WWW.TRANSLIT.RU offers free online service for transliteration from the Cyrillic into the Latin alphabet. The transliteration mode should be LC (The Library of Congress)
- The references to other types of sources (archives, legal documents, journalistic articles, reference information, textbooks, dictionaries, dissertation abstracts, etc.) must be included in the text as footnotes (according to the Government Standard Р 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference”).
The manuscript must comply with the authenticity requirements: at least 80% of authentic text
Abstracts in Russian must be informative (do not include general words); substantial (refer to the key points of the article and the results of research); structured (follow the logic that describes the results in the article); concise (200-250 words). Include in the abstract the following key points:
- The relevance of the research issue and the background research
- The objective of the research.
- The methods used in the research (in case of empirical article); the methodology, the main approach to the research issue (in case of theoretical article).
- The research results described in the article.
- The conclusions reflecting the scientific and practical value of the research results presented in the article
For example:
- The relevance of the issue studied in this article is substantiated by…
- Due to this … the article is dedicated to … defining, disclosing, developing, etc
- The main method used to research this issue was interviewing that allowed to… The research sampling comprised…
- The article identifies, discovers, substantiates, proves, etc…
- The data presented in the article enables to…; the technology developed by the authors facilitates…
The keywords represent the semantic kernel of the article content. They must reflect the key categories and concepts presented in the article, refer to its title and the research field it belongs to. The number of words is 7-15.
- Concise description of the research background (at least 5 references to the acclaimed findings on the issue published in Russian and international peer-reviewed journals).
- Concise and explicit statement of the relevance of the research.
- Concise description of the research background.
- Description of existing contradictions and the author’s position.
For example:
- The relevance of the issue (substantiate the relevance of the issue) …
- The review of the literature showed (analyse the background literature existing in Russian and international science) …
- According to the modern trends (describe the modern trends) …
Please provide a comprehensive description of the research design (research objective, research tasks).
Describe the methodology in details (for theoretical article); the methods of the research and the research procedure (for empirical article).
Define the research sampling. Present the plan and the stages of your experiment. Present the plan and the stages of your experiment.
For example:
-The research objective is…
– The methods and procedures used in the research…
– The experimental foundations of the research…
– The stages of the experiment were…
The research findings must correspond to the objectives and tasks defined in the introduction. The findings must be articulated in an explicit and an evidence-based way, for example as tables, graphs, diagrams and so on (do not include interpretation of results).
Provide only the results you have obtained in your research, do not include the literature review.
Please provide the conclusions on the conducted research in a concise and systematized way. Define the trajectories for future research on the issue and provide applied recommendations. Do not include tables, figures or references in this section.
The list of references must contain research sources (scientific articles, monographs), including by international authors ones, indicating the DOI or URL of the national archive for all sources. All authors mentioned in the text should be represented by their works in the reference list. Authors are allowed to include references to their own works.
The article must be supplied by two reference lists.
The first reference list must be formatted according to the Government Standard Р 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference”.
The second reference list (References) must be formatted in English according to the APA style (7th edition) (
The references to other types of sources (archives, legal documents, journalistic articles, reference information, textbooks, dictionaries, author’s abstracts, etc.) must be included in the article text as footnotes.
The sample of the reference list formatted according to the Government Standard Р 7.05-2008: “Bibliographic reference”.
1. Митина Л. М. Психология личностно-профессионального развития субъектов образования. – М.; СПб.: Нестор-История, 2014. – 376 с. URL:
2. Розин В. М. Проблема идентичности в контексте нового эгоизма // Политика и общество. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 119–128. URL:
3. Egger J., Masood T. Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing – A systematic literature review // Computers & Industrial Engineering. – 2020. – Vol. 140. – Art. 106195. DOI:
4. Lampropoulos G., Keramopoulos E., Diamantaras K. Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs: A review // Visual Informatics. – 2020. – Vol. 4 (1). – P. 32–42. DOI:
5. Smajs J. The philosophical conception of a constitution for the earth // Human Affairs. – 2015. – Vol. 25, Issue 5. – P. 342–361. DOI:
The sample of the references according to the APA style (7th edition):
For Russian references use the official translations of the articles’ and journals’ titles into English. Do not number the references
Mitina L. M. (2014). Psychology of personal and professional development of educational subjects. [Psikhologiia lichnostno-professional’nogo razvitiia sub”ektov obrazovaniia]. Moscow; St. Petersburg: “Nestor-History”.
Rozin V.M. (2012). The problem of identity in the context of new egoism. [Problema identichnosti v kontekste novogo egoizma]. Politics and Society, 1, 119–128. (In Russian). URL:
Egger, J., Masood, T. (2020). Augmented reality in support of intelligent manufacturing – A systematic literature review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, art. 106195. DOI:
Lampropoulos, G., Keramopoulos, E., Diamantaras, K. (2020). Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs. Visual Informatics, 4(1), 32–42. DOI:
Šmajs, J. (2015). The philosophical conception of a constitution for the earth. HumanAffairs, 25(5), 342–361. DOI:
NOTES / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (optional section)
In this section please provide the following:
- acknowledgements (if any);
- which grant supports the written article (if any);
- A short paragraph indicating information about where and under what conditions it is possible to access your data.
Dear Authors!
The editors kindly ask the authors to follow the publication requirements for scientific papers by the MCU Publishing Council, when preparing the materials for publishing in “The Academic Journal of Moscow City University”, series “Natural Sciences”.
1. The article should contain up to 1 author’s sheet (print unit of 40 000 characterss) on A4-sized paper; the margins: top, bottom and left should be 20 mm, right should be 10 mm; the alignment is justified; the indent should be 15 mm; fonts used in text, tables, formulas, pictures: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New, size 14, the spacing should be 1,5 cm. Latin and Greek letters should be typed in light italics.
2. The manuscript should be saved in a single file.
3. At the beginning of the manuscript indicate the classification index of the Universal Decimal Classification UDC (see, initials and the last name of the author(s); the title of the article (up to 7 words). Abstract should be given in Russian (up to 500 symbols) including scientific novelty and research methods, keywords and word combinations of 2-3 words (up to 5 keywords) separated with a semicolon.
4. Reference list should be given in Russian at the end of each article. References should be indicated in the alphabetical order. They are indicated in brackets.
For example: [10, p. 81], the first figure is the reference number from the reference list, and the second is the page number of the reference; the number of volume, paragraph and book may be indicated.
For example: [5, T. II, s. 60], [5, par. 5, s. 60], [5, kn. 5, s. 60].
Reference list in Russian must be transliterated according to the system B (Government Standard 7.79-2000, ISO 9:1995). Use for transliteration.
5. Figures, diagrams, tables and graphs must be created in graphic editors supporting vector and bitmap images. Diagrams, schemes and tables are not to be scanned.
6. Highlighting in text is given in light italics, bold italics and bold direct type. Please do not underline the text!
7. Bibliographic references to electronic are indicated in parantheses.
For example: (Russkoe pravoslavie. URL:, (URL:
Богуславский М.В. Проблемы реформирования российского образования (историко-педагогический контекст) // Проблемы современного образования. Интернет-журнал РАО. 2010. № 1. С. 33–44. [Электронный ресурс]. URL: (дата обращения: 25.04.2018). / Boguslavskij M.V. Problemy’ reformirovaniya rossijskogo obrazovaniya (istoriko-pedagogicheskij kontekst) // Problemy’ sovremennogo obrazovaniya. Internet-zhurnal RAO. 2010. № 1. S. 33–44. [E’lektronny’j resurs]. URL: (data obrashheniya: 25.04.2018).
8. Bibliographic references to archival documents are indicated in-text (NBA RKP. F.1. Op.19. Ed. khr. 8); (BGADA. F.210 (Razryadnuy prikaz. Razryadnue vyazki. Vyazka 1.4.1). №10. L. 1-64). Foreign references are given after Russian references in the reference list and follow the same rules.
9. Notes are given at the bottom of the page where there are commented word / word combination, and are sequentially numbered 1, 2, 3…, n.
10. Name of the author(s), the title of the article and keywords in English are indicated at the end of the article (after the reference list).
11. Information about the author(s) is given both in Russian and English: full name, academic degree, academic title, place of work, e-mail.