Home Releases 2019, №4 (36)

Educational Geocaching Organization Technique

Natural and Scientific Education , UDC: 371.31 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2019.36.4.8


  • Grushina Tatiana Petrovna Ph.D. (Pedagogy), docent of Department of Geography and Tourism, Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies, MCU. E-mail: tanusha-222@mail.ru

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Grushina, T. P. (2019). Educational Geocaching Organization Technique Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2019, №4 (36), 84-90. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2019.36.4.8
1. Grushina T.P. Primenenie skrajbing-texnologii na urokax geografii // Vestnik MGPU. Seriya: «Estestvennye nauki». 2019. № 3 (35). S. 75-80.
2. ArcGIS Online Viewer, ESRI Inc. URL: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/ viewer.html (data obrashheniya: 15.10.2019).
3. Google Planet Eartn Pro, Ver. 7.3.0. Google Inc. URL: https://www.google.com/ earth (data obrashheniya: 15.10.2019).
4. OpenStreetMap, Open Street Map Foundation (OSMF). URL: https://www. openstreetmap.org/ (data obrashheniya: 15.10.2019).
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