Home Releases 2016, №2 (22)

Active Oxygen Species and Antioxidant System of Plants

Natural and Scientific Research-Biology
1. Alexina N.D., Balnokin Yu.V., Gavlirenko V.F., Zhigalova T.V., Mejchik N.R., Nosov A.M., Polessakaya O.G., Xaritonashvili E.V., Chub V.V. Fiziologiya rastenij. M.:
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3. Andreeva V.A. Ferment peroksidaza: Uchastie v zashhitnom mexanizme rastenij (ot virusnoj infekcii). M.: Nauka, 1991. 129 s.
4. Baranenko V.V. Superoksiddismutaza v kletkax rastenij // Citologiya. 2006. T. 48.
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6. Voly'necz A.P. Fenol'ny'e soedineniya v zhiznedeyatel'nosti rastenij. Minsk: Belaruskaya navuka, 2013. 283 s.
7. GazaryanI.G., Xushpul'yanD.M., Tishkov V.I. Osobennosti struktury' i mexanizma dejstviya peroksidaz rastenij // Uspexi biologicheskoj ximii. 2006. T. 46. S. 303-322.
8. Grishko V.N., Sy'shhikov D.V. Funkcionirovanie glutationzavisimoj antioksidant-noj sistemy' i ustojchivost' rastenij pri dejstvii tyazhely'x metallov i ftora. Kiev: Naukova
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10. Zagoskina N.V., Katanskaya V.M., Nazarenko L.V., Nikolaeva T.N. Izmeneniya rosta prorostkov i soderzhaniya nizkomolekulyarny'x antioksidantov posle obrabotki semyan psheniczy' biolavonoidami // Vestnik MGPU. Seriya «Estestvenny'e nauki». 2015. № 2 (18) S. 26-34.
11. Zaprometov M.N. Fenol'ny'e soedineniya: Rasprostranenie, metabolizm i funkcii v rasteniyax. M.: Nauka, 1993. 272 s.
12. Kolupaev Yu.E. Aktivny'e formy' kisloroda v rasteniyax pri dejstvii stressorov: obrazovanie i vozmozhny'e funkcii // Vestnik Xar'kovskogo nacional'nogo agrarnogo universiteta. Ser. Biologiya. 2007. Vy'p. 3 (12). S. 6-26.
13. Kordyum E.L., Sy'tnik K.M., Baranenko V.V., Belyavskaya N.A., Klimchuk D.A., Neduxa E.M. Kletochny'e mexanizmy' adaptacii rastenij k neblagopriyatny'm vozdejstviyam e'kologicheskix faktorov v estestvenny'x usloviyax. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 2003. 277 s.
14. Kreslavskij YD., Los' D.A., Allaxverdiev S.I., Kuzneczov Vl.V. Signal'naya rol' aktivny'x form kisloroda pri stresse u rastenij // Fiziologiya rastenij. 2012. T. 59. S. 1-16.
15. Kuzneczov V.V., Dmitrieva G.A. Fiziologiya rastenij. T. 2. M.: Izd-vo Yurajt, 2016.
16. 459 s.
17. Kuz'menkoI.V., KlimenkoE.P., AlekseevSM. Vliyanie Ь-tokoferola i ego analogov na stabil'nost' membran mitoxondrij invitro // Biologicheskie membrany'. 1994. T. 11. S.169-173.
18. Maksimov I.V., Cherepanova E.A., Burxanova G.F., Sorokan' A.V., Kuz'mina O.I. Strukturno-funkcional'ny'e osobennosti izoperoksidaz rastenij // Bioximiya. 2011. T. 76.
19. Vy'p. 6. S. 749-763.
20. Men'shhikova E.B., Zenkov N.K. Antioksidanty' i ingibitory' radikal'ny'x okis-litel'ny'x processov // Uspexi sovremennoj biologii. 1993. T. 113. S. 442-455.
21. Merzlyak M.N. Aktivny'j kislorod i zhiznedeyatel'nost' rastenij // Sorosovskij obrazovatel'ny'j zhurnal. 1999. № 9. S. 20-27.
22. Polesskaya O.G. Rastitel'naya kletka i aktivny'e formy' kisloroda. M.: KDU,
23. 137 s.
24. Pradedova E.V., Isheeva O.D., Salyaev R.K. Klassifikaciya sistemy' antioksidantnoj zashhity' kak osnova racional'noj organizacii e'ksperimental'nogo issledovaniya okis-litel'nogo stressa u rastenij // Fiziologiya rastenij. 2011. T. 58. S. 177-185.
25. Serenko E.N., Baranova E.N, Balaxnina T.I., Kurenina L.V., Gulevich A.A., KosobryuxovA.A., MajsuryanA.N., Polyakov V.Yu. Strukturnaya organizaciya xloroplastov rastenij tomata Solanumlycopersicum, transformirovanny'x genom Fe-superoksiddis-mutazy' // Biologicheskie membrany'. 2011. T. 28. S. 215-223.
26. Upady'shev M.T. Rol' fenol'ny'x soedinenij v processax zhiznedeyatel'nosti sadovy'x rastenij. M.: Izd. dom MSP, 2008. 320 s.
27. Xavinson V.K., Barinov V.A., Arutyunyan A.V., Malinin V.V. Svobodnoradikal'noe okislenie i starenie. SPb.: Nauka, 2003. 197 s.
28. Chupaxina G.N. Sistema askorbinovoj kisloty' rastenij. Kaliningrad: Kaliningr. un-t, 1997. 120 s.
29. AlscherR.G. Biosynthesis and antioxidant function of glutation in plants // Physiol.
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31. Apel K., Hirt H. Reactive oxygen species: metabolism, oxidative stress, and signal transduction // Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2004. V. 55. P. 373-399.
32. Asada K. The Water-water cycle in chloroplasts: scavenging of active oxygens and dissipation of excess photons // Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 1999. V. 50.
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34. Bakalova S., Nikolova A., Nedeva D. Isoenzyme profiles of peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase as afected by dehydration stress and ABA during germination of wheat seeds // Bulg. J. Plant Physiol. 2004. V. 30. № 1-2. P. 64-77.
35. BartwalA., MallR., Lohani P., Guru S. K., Arora S. Role of secondary metabolites and brassinosteroids in plant defense against environmental stresses // J. Plant Growth Regul. 2013. V. 32. P. 216-232.
36. Blackman L.M., Hardham A.R. Regulation of catalase activity and gene expression during Phytophthora nicotianae development and infection of tobacco // Mol. Plant
37. Pathology. 2008. V. 9. P. 495-510.
38. Chen Z., Silva H., Klessig D.F. Active oxygen species in the induction of plant systemic acquired resistance by salicylic acid // Science. 1993. V. 262. P. 1883-1886.
39. Desikan R., Mackerness S.A., Hancock J.T., Neill S.J. Regulation of the Arabidopsis transcriptome by oxidative stress // Plant Physiol. 2001. V. 127. P. 159-172.
40. Dixon R.A., Paiva N.L. Stress-induced phenylpropanoid metabolism // Plant Cell. 1995. V. 7. P. 1085-1097.
41. Foyer C.H., Shigeoka S. Understanding oxidative stress and antioxidant functions to enhance photosynthesis // Plant Physiol. 2011. V. 155. P. 93-100.
42. Foyer Ch.H., Noctor G. Ascorbate and glutathione: The heart of the redox hub1 // Plant Physiology. 2011. V. 155. P. 2-18.
43. Gill S.S., Tuteja N. Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants // Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2010. V.48. P. 909-930.
44. Jonas S.K., Riley P.A., Willson R.L. Hydrogen peroxide cytotoxicity: low temperature enchancement by ascorbate or reduced lipoate // Biochem. J. 1989. V. 264. P. 651-655.
45. Leisso R.S., Buchanan D.A., Lee J., Mattheis J.P., Sater C., Hanrahan I., Watkins C.B., Gapper N., Johnston J.W., Schaffer R.J., Hertog M.L., Nicolan B.M., Rudell D.R. Chilling-related cell damage of apple (Malus х domestica Borkh.) fruit cortical tissue impacts antioxidant, lipid and phenolic metabolism // Physiol Plant. 2015. V. 153. P. 204-220.
46. Lichtenthaler H. The stress concept in plants: an introduction // Ann. New York Acd Sci. 1998. V. 851. P. 187-198.
47. Minibayeva F., Kolesnikov O., Chasov A. Wound-induced apoplastic peroxidase activities: their roles in the production and detoxiication of reactive oxygen species // Plant
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49. Miret J.A., Munm-Bosch S. Redox signaling and stress tolerance in plants: a focus on vitamin E // Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 2015. V. 1340. I. 1 (doi: 10.1111/nyas.12639).
50. Passardi E., Cosio C., Penel C., Dunand C. Peroxidases have more functions than a Swiss army knife // Plant Cell Rep. 2005. V. 24. P. 255-265.
51. Rizhsky L., Liang H., Mittler R. The Water-water cycle is essential for chloroplast protection in the absence of stress // J. Biol. Chem. 2003. V. 278. P. 38921-38925.
52. Selye H. Stress without distress. Toronto: McClelland, Stewart Ltd., 1974. 142 p.
53. Tekchandani S., Guruprasad K.N. Modulation of a guaiacol peroxidase inhibitor by UV-B in cucumber cotyledons // Plant Sci. 1998. V. 136. P.131-137.
54. Winkel-Shirley B. Evidence for enzyme complexes in the phenylpropanoid
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56. Zhao H. J., Zou Q. Protective efects of exogenous antioxidants and phenolic compounds on photosynthesis of wheat leaves under high irradiance and oxidative stress // Photosynthetica. 2002. V. 40. № 4. P. 523-527.
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