Home Releases 2016, №1 (21)

Electronic Textbook on Geography as a New Form of Educational Literature

Theory and Methods of Natural and Scientific Education
1. Maslenikova O.N. Rabota s e'lektronnoj formoj uchebnika. M.: Drofa, 2016.
2. 51 s.
3. Fundamental'noe yadro soderzhaniya obshhego obrazovaniya: proekt / pod red. V.V. Kozlova, A.M. Kondakova. M.: Prosveshhenie, 2009. 44 s. (Standarty' vtorogo pokoleniya.)
4. Demo-versii e'lektronny'x uchebnikov izdatel'stva «Drofa» // URL: http://efu. drofa.ru/demo/ (data obrashheniya: 30.11.2015).
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