Home Releases 2017, №3 (27)

Tolerance to Physical Exertion and the Causes of Its Decrease in Children Who Survived an Oncological Disease

Physical training at the junction of professions


  • Alekseeva Svetlana Ivanovna Ph.D. (Physical and Mathematical Sciences), docent, docent of the department of Adaptive Physical Training and Medical and Biological Disciplines of the Teachers’ Training Institute of Physical Training and Sports of the Moscow City University. E-mail: sia51@mail.ru
  • Arbatskaya Elizaveta Valeryevna A second year student of the direction of preparation “Adaptive physical training” of the Teachers’ Training Institute of Physical Training and Sports of the Moscow City University. E-mail: katena.stolyarova.98@mail.ru
  • Baerbach Alexandra Vladimirovna An employee of the medical and rehabilitation scientific centre “Russian field” of the D. Rogachev National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children Hematology, Onkology, Immunology. E-mail: baer83@mail.ru
  • Gorbylev Pavel Maksimovich An employee of the medical and rehabilitation scientific centre "Russian field" of the D. Rogachev National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children Hematology, Onkology, Immunology. E-mail: warn87@gmail.com
  • Gorkina Diana Igorevna A student of the 2nd course of the direction of preparation “Adaptive physical training” of the Teachers’ Training Institute of Physical Training and Sports of the Moscow City University. E-mail: katena.stolyarova.98@mail.ru
  • Gugueva Victoria Vitalyevna A second-year student of the direction of preparation “Adaptive physical training” of the Teachers’ Training Institute of Physical Training and Sports of the Moscow City University. E-mail: katena.stolyarova.98@mail.ru
  • Kasatkin Vladimir Nikolaevich Doctor of medical sciences, professor, deputy director of the medical and rehabilitation scientific centre “Russian field” of the D. Rogachev National Scientific and Practical Centre of Children Hematology, Onkology, Immunology. E-mail: kasatkinv@bk.ru
  • Stolyarova Ekaterina Sergeevna A second year student of direction of training Adaptive Physical Education of the Teachers’ Training Institute of Physical Training and Sports of the Moscow City University. E-mail: katena.stolyarova.98@mail.ru

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Alekseeva, S. I., Arbatskaya, E. V., Baerbach, A. V., Gorbylev, P. M., Gorkina, D. I., Gugueva, V. V., Kasatkin, V. N. & Stolyarova, E. S. (2017). Tolerance to Physical Exertion and the Causes of Its Decrease in Children Who Survived an Oncological Disease Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №3 (27),
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