Home Releases 2022, №1 (45)

The Place of Motor Activity in the Sociocultural Paradigm of Society: From the Reductions of Civilization to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Social Prerequisites for Physical Culture Formation , UDC: 796(094) DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2022.45.1.6


  • Shalabodina Victoria Andreevna


Motor activity accompanies a person in almost all areas of his activity and has both a conditional and unconditional nature of occurrence. It takes many forms: from walking on the street and all kinds of games to various forms of physical exercise, performed both independently and within the framework of educational activities or sports training. Throughout life, a person develops a culture of this motor activity, which implies the appearance of his knowledge, skills and skills that contribute to the preservation, maintenance and improvement of his state of health. The place of motor activity, as well as the formation of a related culture, in a particular society is the subject of reflection for many theorists of physical culture, becoming the cause of a certain scientific discourse. This article presents a view of motor activity primarily as a socio-cultural phenomenon that has an exclusively conditional nature of emergence and goes into meaningful motor activity. In a detailed retrospective analysis, the main features and characteristics of this culture were identified at one stage or another of the development of society, with special emphasis on educational activities as a key factor affecting the improvement of the cultural level of the population. Some of the theses set forth in this article are important for the construction and understanding of further concepts of the formation of a culture of motor activity, both in the educational process and beyond.

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Shalabodina, V. A. (2022). The Place of Motor Activity in the Sociocultural Paradigm of Society: From the Reductions of Civilization to the COVID-19 Pandemic Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №1 (45), 71. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2022.45.1.6
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