Home Releases 2023, №4 (52)


Biological Sciences , UDC: 595.371.13 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2023.52.4.01


  • Shklyarevich Galina Andreevna Doctor of Biological Sciences
  • Zorina Anastasia Aleksandrovna Candidate of Biological Sciences
  • Moiseeva Elena Anatolyevna Candidate of Biological Sciences


A new method for assessing the response of marine biota to climate change has been tested. In the protected water area of the Kandalaksha Reserve, within the framework of ecological and biological monitoring, the collection of various-legged crustaceans (Amphipoda) was carried out for the period 2014–2017. The use of amphipods as test objects and indicators of negative environmental changes is explained by their ability to quickly and purposefully respond to anthropogenic and climatic changes. Conducting research on the protected area allowed us to minimize the significance of the anthropogenic factor. The volume of processed material includes 134 adults and 109 juveniles. The evenness of individual amphipod species in the taxocenosis is reliably described using a lognormal distribution model. Lagunogammarus oceanicus exhibits high ecological plasticity, while Gammarus duebeni exhibits medium plasticity. The quantitative ratio of the number of amphipod species is determined by climatic changes in the environment. The size and weight characteristics of amphipods are influenced by their gender. Reliable long-term individuals variability of different Amphipoda species in body length and weight was revealed. The established interannual fluctuations in the characteristics of individual amphipod species should be considered adaptive-compensatory reactions that increase the resistance of the White Sea amphipod taxocenosis.

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Shklyarevich, G. A., Zorina, A. A. & Moiseeva, E. A. (2023). INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY AMPHIPODA OF THE WHITE SEA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №4 (52), 10. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2023.52.4.01
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