Home Releases 2016, №4 (24)

Electrochemical Oxidation of 4- and 2.4-chlorophenols on Anodes SnO2 / Ti, IrO2 / Ti

Research of Natural Sciences-Chemistry


  • Kolosov Evgeny Nikolaevich Ph.D. (Chemistry), docent of department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship. E-mail: eugn.e-mail@rambler.ru
  • Mikhalenko Irina Ivanovna Doctor of Chemistry, professor of department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship. E-mail: mikhalenko_ii@pfur.ru
  • Saleh Mohammed Mokbel Master of Chemistry, trainee of department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship. E-mail: alshaibi@mail.ru

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Kolosov, E. N., Mikhalenko, I. I. & Saleh, M. . (2016). Electrochemical Oxidation of 4- and 2.4-chlorophenols on Anodes SnO2 / Ti, IrO2 / Ti Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №4 (24),
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