Home Releases 2016, №4 (24)

Some features of the geography of inbound tourism to India

Natural and Scientific Research-Geography
1. AleksandrovaA.Yu. Mezhdunarodny'j turizm. M.: Prosveshhenie 2014. 398 s.
2. Geografiya turizma / pod red. A.Yu. Aleksandrovoj. M.: KNORUS, 2016. 592 s.
3. Goroxov S.A. Religioznaya identichnost' kak faktor formirovaniya konfessio-nal'ny'x regionov sovremennogo mira // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 5: Geografiya. 2012. № 5. S. 49-55.
4. Goroxov S.A., Xristov T.T. Religii narodov mira. M.: KNORUS, 2016. 424 s.
5. Xristov T.T. Religiozny'j turizm. M.: Akademiya, 2008. 288 s.
6. India Tourism Statistics 2014 // Ministry of Tourism Government of India [E'lektron-ny'j resurs]. - E'lektron. dan. - India, New Delhi, [2016]. URL: http://tourism.gov.in/ TourismDivision/AboutDivision.aspx?Name=Market%20Research%20and%20Statistics (data obrashheniya: 27.04.2016).
7. Oicial'ny'j sajt Vsemirnoj turistskoj organizacii. URL: http://www.unwto.org (data obrashheniya: 16.04.2016).
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