- Fazlullin Sergey Maratovich Candidate of Geographical Sciences
- Eldarov Eldar Magomedovich Doctor of Geographical Sciences
The article reflects the results of the expedition work on the identification and study of historical artifacts at the bottom of the Caspian Sea in the area of Derbent, the southernmost and oldest city in Russia. The article describes the specifics of underwater archaeological research that can shed light on the history and culture of the peoples who lived on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the past centuries. It describes approaches to the geographical study and mapping of the remains of ancient fortification architecture under water, and other numerous finds of scuba divers in the area under consideration. It is concluded that it is advisable to strengthen the integration of Dagestan historical and geographical science, which will allow researchers to reconstruct little-known pages of history more deeply and accurately. The constructive section of the article is devoted to the development of recreational diving and underwater museology in Dagestan, as well as the general contours of the underwater park project on the southernmost coast of Russia.
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Fazlullin, S. M. & Eldarov, E. M. (2024). UNDERWATER CULTURAL HERITAGE OF SOUTH DAGESTAN AS A RECREATIONAL RESOURCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (56), 71.
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