Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


Natural Science Foundations of Physical Education and Sports Training , UDC: 796.011.3 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9091.2023.50.2.07


  • Strizhak Anatoly Petrovich Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
  • Bobkov Vitaly Viktorovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Zapparov Rustam Ildarovich
  • Kondratyev Pavel Aleksandrovich


The article is devoted to the technology of preparing students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation for participation in the competitions “GTO Games”, based on the use of means and modes of motor activity, which, by the strength of the psychophysiological impact, are adequate to the upcoming competitive activity. The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the fact that in the complex of social programs implemented in the Russian Federation in recent years, priority is given to the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (VFSK GTO). The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of the competitive method on the dynamics of the physical and functional readiness of students to participate in the GTO Games competitions. The study used pedagogical and biological methods for assessing the preparedness of students. The study was conducted during 16 weeks of preparation for the “GTO Games”. The basis of the program was made up of exercises similar in terms of kinematics of movements, dynamics and level of manifestation of efforts with the exercises of the GTO complex, performed in a competitive mode of activity. The experiment was attended by students of 1–3 courses of the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov. The experimental group consisted of 60 people (34 boys and 26 girls), the control group consisted of 56 (29 boys and 27 girls). The students were focused on participation in the TRP festival, all belonged to the main health group and had no contraindications to physical activity. According to the results of the experiment, test indicators in the EG were on average 10 % higher than in the control group. It has been established that the response to the load, as a result of a purposeful educational and training process, is 5–8 % better (more economical) among students from the EG than among students from the CG. Conclusions — тhe competitive method used in physical education classes, in order to increase the level of physical fitness and functional state, will give positive results in preparing students for participation in the “GTO Games” competitions.

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Strizhak, A. P., Bobkov, V. V., Zapparov, R. I. & Kondratyev, P. A. (2023). THE USE OF A COMPETITIVE METHOD WHEN PREPARING STUDENTS FOR PARTICIPATE IN SEDUCTIONS “GTO GAMES” Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 84. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9091.2023.50.2.07
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